carbon calculation
Tourner vert au Quebéc c’est possible !

Tourner vert au Quebéc c’est possible !

L’objectif du programme On tourne vert est de faciliter l’adoption de gestes écoresponsables lors des productions audiovisuelles. Le programme On tourne vert est gratuit et accessible à tous!

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ALBERT – tools for film and television

ALBERT – tools for film and television

albert is an environmental organisation aiming to encourage the TV and film production industry to reduce waste and its carbon footprint. Additionally, albert offers guidance on how to promote and discuss environmental issues in editorial content through an initiative called ‘Planet Placement’.

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Creative Green Tools Canada (“CG Tools”)

Creative Green Tools Canada (“CG Tools”)

The CG Tools make it easy to measure your energy use, water consumption, waste generation and recycling, travel and production materials. The results can then inform your environmental strategy and organisational priorities.

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